Bashful Blagger

A blagger is bold and gets what they want by brashly saying things that are not always true. A bashful blagger is the same, but shy with it. Sounds weird? Well, yes: but that’s me, both a bold extravert and a shy introvert, only I tend to tell the truth, even in fiction. Here in the Bashful Blagger blog, I post boldly on my life as a sapphic author writing for a universal audience—anything to do with writing, publishing and marketing books—and rather more shyly on my real life. Happy reading!

The author with her inhouse editor, Chino

Real life

Meme’s the word

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Which is great for people like me. When I’m lost for words, I can’t talk or write. Nothing serious, it happens when I’m overtired, usually after I’ve been focusing too long and hard on somebody else’s words....

A Taste of Janice

Do you have music on while you work? I usually play instrumental stuff cos I find lyrics distracting. Either way, as editor or author, I’m focused on language and the Wernicke’s area in my brain...

Psst… Wanna buy a book?

Hey indie author, do you suck at selling your book? Come on, be honest. You’re a writer so, ipso facto, selling is not your favorite pursuit. If you’re like me, you’d rather get on with writing...

Im fluent in gobbledygook poster designed and sold by ramwebroom on RedBubble

Making SENSE of gobbledygook

Back when I was editor of eSense, a magazine-style newsletter published by SENSE, the society for English-language professionals based in the Netherlands, one of my colleagues posted a question...

CAPital pleaSURE or PUNishment?

One capital pleasure of my real life is the license my day job—English language editor for Dutch academics—gives me to goof off on Google. Or, to put it in terms the taxman will accept: the time...