How TO DO self-editing

How TO DO self-editing

This week’s blog showcases Valerie Fuqua (sounds like Few-kway), an indie author/artist who’s worked as a freelance developmental editor for over ten years. Valerie is deeply immersed in several author communities devoted to helping fellow writers improve their work....
Finding a Fiction Editor

Finding a Fiction Editor

So, you’ve finished your masterpiece. You’ve had it reviewed. You’ve revised it, polished some more, and at last you feel ready to release it to . . . no, not the world! What you need next is an editor. Here guest blogger Arlene Prunkl from PenUltimate Editorial...
Abi Daruvalla teaches writers how to KISS

Abi Daruvalla teaches writers how to KISS

Would I ever have become editor of ES World, the in-house magazine of the biggest science publishers in the world, without Abi Daruvalla? No way. She was my first ‘real’ editor. Recently Abi and I chatted about her career as a journalist and professional...
Outside perspective

Outside perspective

I’m used to editing other people’s writing (it’s the day job1) and quite accustomed to editing my own writing (not the day job; let’s call it revising) but having Becoming Janice published by Iguana Books (April 2024) introduced me to the benefits of having my writing...
Star Track

Star Track

Editing on paper, bah! Since I’m cack-handed (nope, it doesn’t mean what you think; check it out) my handwriting has more in common with a Jackson Pollack painting than the winning entry for a prize in penmanship. Perhaps I should have been a doctor. Then at least my...