Abi Daruvalla teaches writers how to KISS

Abi Daruvalla teaches writers how to KISS

Would I ever have become editor of ES World, the in-house magazine of the biggest science publishers in the world, without Abi Daruvalla? No way. She was my first ‘real’ editor. Recently Abi and I chatted about her career as a journalist and professional...
Outside perspective

Outside perspective

I’m used to editing other people’s writing (it’s the day job1) and quite accustomed to editing my own writing (not the day job; let’s call it revising) but having Becoming Janice published by Iguana Books (April 2024) introduced me to the benefits of having my writing...
Star Track

Star Track

Editing on paper, bah! Since I’m cack-handed (nope, it doesn’t mean what you think; check it out) my handwriting has more in common with a Jackson Pollack painting than the winning entry for a prize in penmanship. Perhaps I should have been a doctor. Then at least my...
A is for Attitude

A is for Attitude

Some people can write with both hands. If you can, you’re ambidextrous, a word derived from the Latin roots ambi-, meaning “both”, and dexter, meaning “favorable” or “right”. I can’t write with both hands (I’m left-handed) but...
B is for Body Language

B is for Body Language

Now that we’ve dealt with the importance of having an A-1 attitude to fixing our mistakes, let’s move on to the B that stands at the basis of self-editing. No, not that “body language”, meaning the movements and gestures people and animals use...
C is for Checklist

C is for Checklist

Now that we’ve developed the write Attitude (ha-ha) and can read and write Body Language, let’s move on to the next stage of successful self-editing. This is sometimes called “mechanical editing.” In this round you should be doing very little...