by Ragini Werner | 8 December 2024 | Editing
This week’s blog showcases Valerie Fuqua (sounds like Few-kway), an indie author/artist who’s worked as a freelance developmental editor for over ten years. Valerie is deeply immersed in several author communities devoted to helping fellow writers improve their work....
by Ragini Werner | 2 December 2024 | Editing, Writing
So, you’ve finished your masterpiece. You’ve had it reviewed. You’ve revised it, polished some more, and at last you feel ready to release it to . . . no, not the world! What you need next is an editor. Here guest blogger Arlene Prunkl from PenUltimate Editorial...
by Ragini Werner | 29 September 2024 | Editing, Sapphic
Lara Zielinsky has been a journalist, technical writer, educator, and fiction editor for more than 30 years. A member of the LGBTQ+ community, Lara is also an award-winning author of five sapphic novels. When I chanced upon her business site, LZ Edits, I knew her...
by Ragini Werner | 12 August 2024 | Editing, Writing
Would I ever have become editor of ES World, the in-house magazine of the biggest science publishers in the world, without Abi Daruvalla? No way. She was my first ‘real’ editor. Recently Abi and I chatted about her career as a journalist and professional...
by Ragini Werner | 11 May 2024 | Editing
I’m used to editing other people’s writing (it’s the day job1) and quite accustomed to editing my own writing (not the day job; let’s call it revising) but having Becoming Janice published by Iguana Books (April 2024) introduced me to the benefits of having my writing...
by Ragini Werner | 8 May 2024 | Editing
Editing on paper, bah! Since I’m cack-handed (nope, it doesn’t mean what you think; check it out) my handwriting has more in common with a Jackson Pollack painting than the winning entry for a prize in penmanship. Perhaps I should have been a doctor. Then at least my...