Ranking Janice

Ranking Janice

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not showing you Amazon’s rankings for my book because the scores are so terrific. They’re not! They only hint at the vast scale of its competition. What can we do to help people looking for a good read to pick our book out of so many...
A Taste of Janice

A Taste of Janice

Do you have music on while you work? I usually play instrumental stuff cos I find lyrics distracting. Either way, as editor or author, I’m focused on language and the Wernicke’s area in my brain can’t handle both spoken (sung) and written words at the same time....
Psst… Wanna buy a book?

Psst… Wanna buy a book?

Hey indie author, do you suck at selling your book? Come on, be honest. You’re a writer so, ipso facto, selling is not your favorite pursuit. If you’re like me, you’d rather get on with writing instead of faffing about on social media, desperately trying to make...
Blurb your enthusiasm

Blurb your enthusiasm

Wouldn’t you love to get a blurb for your book as nice as the one Groucho Marx bestowed on Dawn Ginsbergh’s Revenge, by his fellow humorist  S.J. Perelman? Short, sweet, and killer conclusion. Groucho was famous for adding unexpected, often funny endings to his...
Media for the Mass Age

Media for the Mass Age

Forgive me Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) for riffing on your famous line to head this post, but (true confession time) i couldn’t resist. According to Wiki, the Canadian communication theorist coined the title ‘The Medium is the Message’ for the first chapter of his...
What I don’t know about social media marketing

What I don’t know about social media marketing

Spoiler alert! This post states the obvious. It unashamedly presents stuff you already know with brass knobs ON. It is written to fit maybe any author (sapphic or otherwise) trying to market a book on social media. Read on if you dare…. Let’s start with some small...