The importance of plain language

The importance of plain language

My dear old Dad loved language. Besides Dutch, he was fluent in 15 other tongues, from Hindi to Hungarian. But his all-time favorite was hifalutin English. He loved using English, so rich compared to Dutch (EN = 755,000 vs. NL = 400,000 headwords; estimates vary) and...
On “chronicles” and the craft of writing

On “chronicles” and the craft of writing

Can you remember when you discovered the word “chronicles”? For me it was when I was about ten (I think) and a weekly visitor to the Dunedin Public Library in New Zealand. There I came across Clive Staples Lewis’s classic series, The Chronicles of Narnia. An...
Abi Daruvalla teaches writers how to KISS

Abi Daruvalla teaches writers how to KISS

Would I ever have become editor of ES World, the in-house magazine of the biggest science publishers in the world, without Abi Daruvalla? No way. She was my first ‘real’ editor. Recently Abi and I chatted about her career as a journalist and professional...
Getting a grip on that “glint of light”

Getting a grip on that “glint of light”

Everyone quotes the Russian playwright and short-story writer, Doctor Anton Chekhov. “Medicine is my lawful wife” he once said, “and literature is my mistress.” But perhaps his most famous quote for writers is: “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the...
Genesis of the book

Genesis of the book

How do they do it? All those authors who produce vast series of books? Some series vaster than others, like those produced apparently effortlessly by the super-prolific Alexander McCall Smith (to date he’s written seven huge bestselling series and umpteen successful...
Go with Iguana

Go with Iguana

Yippee! I am delighted to announced that Becoming Janice will be published by Iguana Books, a hybrid publishing house in Toronto, Canada. Iguana are going to publish both ebook and paperback versions, maybe an audiobook too, which will be available worldwide in all...